Digital Course Creation Simplified: Answers to Your Biggest Questions

amy porterfield chatgpt course creator tips course creators course launch strategy entrepreneur how to scale your business kajabi launching your online course Aug 30, 2024


Are you ready to create your first digital course but feeling a bit overwhelmed by the process? You’re not alone. During a recent live Q&A session, I tackled some of the most common questions about digital course creation, from choosing the right topic to overcoming the fear of competition. Below, you’ll find a recap of the key questions I answered, along with a list of resources that can help you kickstart your course creation journey.

Questions Answered in This Q&A Session:

  1. How do you figure out what idea to turn into a course?

    • Finding the right course idea can feel daunting, especially with so many options available. I shared strategies for narrowing down your ideas by considering what you're passionate about, what you're knowledgeable in, and what your audience needs. I also recommended using ChatGPT as a brainstorming tool to help refine your course concept.
  2. How do you pick a niche that isn’t already saturated?

    • The fear of competition can be paralyzing, but I explained why saturation isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I encouraged participants to focus on their unique strengths and perspectives, which will naturally differentiate their courses from others in the market.
  3. What’s the cheapest platform to use initially?

    • I discussed the importance of choosing a platform that aligns with your long-term goals rather than just focusing on cost. I shared my experience with Kajabi, but also highlighted more affordable options like ConvertKit for those just starting out.
  4. Should you sell your course before you create it?

    • This is a common question for many course creators. I talked about the benefits of selling a course before creating it, especially if you prefer teaching live. I also explained how a Founders Member Launch can help validate your course idea and generate revenue upfront.
  5. How do you deal with the overwhelm of course creation?

    • Overwhelm often stems from the fear of making the wrong decisions. I offered tips on how to prioritize tasks, make decisions more easily, and break the process down into manageable steps.
  6. What should you focus on when marketing your course?

    • Marketing is essential for course success, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. I shared my own journey of starting with a single traffic source and how I expanded from there. I also discussed the importance of building authority through consistent, high-quality content.

Tools, Resources, Programs, and Links Shared:

Free Resources:

Get Amy's Free Guide: Surprisingly Simple Ways to Turn Your Knowledge Into a Digital Course

Podcast Episodes:

🎧 Brainstorm Your Course Idea with AI and ChatGPT

🎧 How to Create an Online Course with Kajabi

Recommended Tools:

All-In-One Business Platform: Kajabi

A robust all-in-one platform for course creation, marketing, and delivery. Sign up through my link to get a 30-day free trial.

Email Service Provider: ConvertKit

Resource: A free email service provider that allows you to build an email list and create landing pages with a Buy Now button.

Video Editing Tool: Descript

A powerful tool for editing videos and podcasts by text, making it easy to clean up your recordings.

Recommended Programs:

Amy Porterfield’s Course Confident Bootcamp

Join this bootcamp to gain clarity on your course idea and get support from both Amy Porterfield and myself. As a bonus, you’ll receive an exclusive invitation to my Course Clarity Q&A session.

Digital Course Academy

Open just once a year, Digital Course Academy is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create your digital course like a pro — but how to market your course in a way that ethically (and authentically) enrolls more students than you ever thought possible every time you deliver it.

Ignite Membership

Get ongoing support, monthly masterclasses, tech tutorials, templates, and access to a community of like-minded course creators. 

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